About the gallery

This is a bonus page that haves other project moon related creations from the creator. By other I mean drawings, other comics,doodles etc.Might take a while to load... Updates almost everyday so come see it

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Octo ishmael from 4.07.2024

want more? ->

Giving the holiday pm won't give them 15.07.2024

kromie glasses 10.07.2024 + kromie abno code making

more kromie 21.07.2024

where does one get sinclair keychains? 24.07.2024

send me in my annymous chat in contact for ->

kromer will return in mersaults canto trust 25.07.2024

I'm finally done but doesn't mean that's it 28.07.2024

kromie scetches 29.07.2024

Who was he actuaally?

30.07 No scetches have this instead

how does one make guess the gender quiz for pm and not incluide my goat kromer

31.07.2024 this was a good month in my opnion

2.08.2024 kromie pet gif cause my tablet pen broke for doogles!

1.08.2024 yesterdays doogles based on a screenshot

D/left guy: guys why did the checken cross the road

S/right: t-this THIS IS WHERE SHE KILLED THEM!**s-shesstillaftermewhatamIgoingtodo**

4.8.2024 how do i name this

tommorow i might forget to post so i'm doing my 4.08 post

7.08 post sorry that i havent been posting for 3 days

8.8.2024 No post for today but look at this drippp!!!!


10.08.2024 Finally you will get a scetch yay (im working on smth bigger on the side)

hi to everyone that reads this is the 11.08.2024 post enjoy

12.08.2024 hello im planing on opening a tumblr soon ill say it when it's ready!!

uhh considering i havent posted here for days i dont think i will soon 14.08.2024 have a design im working on

it's been 4 days without updating i was grounded and i couldnt there will be a comic update once this lil fella is done ! 18.08.2024

19.08.2024 i need to find an n corp inquestor photos exsept guildo

20.08 i'm working a website list for here

Okay so I made a tumblr blog I'll make a separete one for this site tommorow maybe? 21.08.2024

No doodles but the esgoo polls sinner section haves me kinda sad cause my fav is the most underated sinner TT what did sinclair did to u but also ur opnion is valid if you think that way i just dont get it :(

24.08.2024 i should stop forgetting tbh todays creation even if it's not pm related

28.07.2024 inqustor scetch :3

i have many doodles i could share but they kinda goofy so like have the bottles 27.08.2024 also on a side note to make a crushed audio you need only the first effect then you mess up with it for whatever suits you

okay so aperently starpage had an update today on 29th a pretty good one at that to bad i dont have promo or i would've added some stuff like an working button!

i addded two more sites in the website page 30.08.2024 also a plush of one of my fav charcters released a sample what a cutie!

31.08.2024 time to fight in my limbus got to the kim dungeon i haave to update my units (⓿_⓿)

1.09.2024 4 days UNTIL WALPURGIS NIGHTTTT also i uhh may have run out of scetches :P

2 days into walpurgis. yesterday i was all on bussiness idk if you guyss would like aa scetches to (also i love this gif sm)

you get the aa scetches cause there's no way you can answer unless i put an ask here to :P

W-Hey pollo can you uhh clean the office i'm doing my hsr dailies 

P(just unpluged the toilet)

walpurgis is heere i got all of the ids andd thee gregor ego sadly no normal 000ids to full out my roster 5.09.2024 this seems to have become kinda of a personal blog for anything i hope you all dont mind it

6.09.2024 1 more week fredom :# an a 2 part image

aside from the emo jokes mcr haves banger songs 9.09.2024

Maybe instead of scetches everyday i should do it random stuff everyday mostly scetches cus i mean i dont have a scetch for everyday and school is coming for me so ill be to busy to make a scetch yk 10.09.2024

They are 516 ppl who saw the homepage uncluiding me but how many actually saw the full thing how many liked it was it enjoyable?11.09.2024

Favorite song? 12.09.2024

dhhuhufhufhufhhwuehuhe 13.09.2024

tommroow i have to meet with those losers wish me luck the day after im staring school again *dies*

i uploaded 2 new websites in the website pagee 16.09.2024

19.09.2024 sorry for not posting iseem to only get motivation to ddraaaw aapollo justice stuff to i hope you all dont minddd